Everyday: A Zen Community Blog

By Taiju Geri Wilimek

Welcome to Every Day…a blog space for reflections about our dharma practice.  Each month there will be a new blog posting that reflects Eihei Dogen’s teaching that “….going forward in practice is a matter of everydayness” (Fukanzazengi).  Zen practice is not a matter of scholarship; it is living skillfully, guided by the teachings of the Buddhas and ancestors. Those teachings ultimately lead us to the greatest teacher…Life itself!   I hope  the blog page will be a resource for teaching and learning from one another as we engage wholeheartedly in our lives as practice.  Let your life be your teacher…may we teach and learn from one another!

If you would like to  make a contribution to this page, send your blog posts to me directly geriwilimek@gmail.com . Please use Zen Blog in the subject line to alert me.   Blog posts should be around 250-500 words;  should include personal reflections and experiences tied to everyday dharma practice; and should be in the spirit of right speech.   There will be space for reader’s comments at the end of each blog.

Taiju Geri

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