Our Intention
Our intention is to create a welcoming, safe and wholehearted community for all. Our practice is rooted in the teachings of Eihei Dogen, in the Soto Zen tradition. We come together weekly to meditate, discuss the Dharma in everyday experience, and to support one another as we explore how the Buddha’s teachings incline us toward lives of compassion, wisdom, and appreciation for life.
The current guiding teacher is Taiju Geri Wilimek. She received priest ordination from Rev. Shoshin Bob Kelly in 2010 and Dharma transmission from Shoken Winecoff, Roshi in 2015. As such, Taiju Geri studies and teaches in the lineage of Dainin Katagiri, rooted in the teachings of Eihei Dogen.
A Brief History
The sangha was started in 2001 by Rev. Shoshin Bob Kelly, a dharma heir of Shoken Winecoff in the lineage of Dainin Katagiri.
The first sangha meetings were held in Shoshin’s home in Bagley Minnesota, supported and enriched by his wife, Joy Kelly. In 2004 the sangha began meeting in Bemidji, and soon found a home in the Upper Room of the United Methodist Church. Shoshin died at the age of 84 in April 2012. The sangha continued to meet weekly, and began to grow. Taiju Geri Wilimek received dharma transmission in 2015 from Shoken Winecoff, and now serves as guiding teacher.
You can join us in person at True North Health Care 514 Beltrami, downtown Bemidji. The space is our physical home. You can join in online at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86384100415?pwd=b1ZOckx2OXAyZGo1QVpwTWg1Si80UT09
Gathering at 6:15pm Zazen at 6:30pm Dharma talk and discussion at 7:00pm. Adjourn at or before 8:00pm